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From garden to craft to cooking-from-scratch, Martha Stewart‘s MARTHA logo says it all in one intricate glance, embodying everything she is as a person, as a brand, as the heirloom matriarch of our time.

I had the very fine honor of crossing off one pretty hefty To-Do on my bucket list this week,  I was invited as an audience guest at Martha’s Blog Show. A fabulous trip to New York City was just what I needed in terms of inspiration for a brand new year.

As my thoughts wander about amidst all of the heirloom touches that inspire me each & every day – from fashion to cooking to antiques to architecture – I find it important to also note the people behind such things that keep the past in the present for us all to enjoy. There is no denying that Martha Stewart has build her own well-deserved empire one stitch at a time, but to me, it is Martha who has led the heirloom-chic trend of today; it is she that keeps it alive and well in the world.

For Gen X & Y, knitting is the epitome of cool, Food Network is a can’t-miss, everyone wants to grow their own fresh herbs, glitter is all the rage, and KitchenAid Mixers are at the top of everyone’s wish list. It is my belief that Martha has inspired all such things in some form or fashion, constantly keeping them in the forefront of fabulous. The craft of sewing or cooking-from-scratch will never be lost in this world of drugstore costumes and microwaved meals.

So, you may check out the live chatter from the oh-so-delicious #blogshow and always thank Martha Stewart, the Heirloom Matriarch of our day, who inspires things from the past to be savored for generations to come.


Copyright (c) IceMilk Aprons 2010

In celebration of my recent meeting of Martha Stewart, and as I now have a dear signed copy of her new Cookies cookbook, I took some time this week to peruse the wonderful pages of this heirloom-worthy book.

While there are many cookbooks out there today, and many many cookie recipes, Martha has outdone herself yet again with a wonderfully unique look at cookies and how to present them in an education and compelling way.

I love the educational aspect, the cooking-from-scratch when others simply slice-and-cook, this book breaks down the cookies by texture – light & delicate or soft & chewy are just a few of the choices you can select. So all the while you’re learning the nuances and tips of baking each cookie type. And, much like a cookbook of days-past, each section begins with a photo index (with lovely photograpy I might add) of each cookie type.

Simply a treat! I am sure my signed copy will make for a wonderful heirloom treasure for generations to come.

61 Our difference at IceMilk Aprons can be found in our mission – inspiring others to preserve their heritage. And our new line of heirloom aprons helps you do just that.

To help accomplish our mission, we include an “Heirloom Kit” with each IceMilk Apron.  The Heirloom Kit instantly takes you from apron to heirloom. It is my hope that each apron is treasured part of your life that will one day be passed down through the generations of your family.

The Heirloom Kit includes a “Heritage Tag” that is meant to capture generations of your family by having each woman in your family stitch their initials onto the Heritage Tag.  Your mother, your grandmother, even your great grandmother.  You then stitch your own initials onto the tag and stitch it to the inside of your apron – wearing it proudly.  One day, you will be able to pass the apron down to your children, having them stitch their own initials alongside generations of your family. And hopefully, passing down family recipes that have been influential in creating memories throughout your life, along with the skills needed to truly cook from scratch.

For more on our Heirloom Aprons and our signature Heirloom Kit, I do hope you will visit our website

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